Looking to enhance your current ICT systems but have a limited budget? Then this could be the answer you have been looking for!
If your business is based in the following areas then you need to keep on reading.
- Ashfield District Council
- Bassetlaw District Council
- Bolsover District Council
- Boston Borough Council
- Chesterfield Borough Council
- Corby Borough Council
- Derby City Council
- East Lindsey District Council
- Leicester City Council
- Lincoln City Council
- Mansfield District Council
- Nottingham City Council
- Oadby and Wigston Borough Council

This discretionary funding programme will provide 50% towards ICT expenditure with the minimum grant amount starting at £2000 if you are spending £4000 and maximum of £10,000 if you are spending £20,000 towards your ICT development, sounds great right?
There are obviously some restrictions with this funding as you would expect,
- Businesses must be located in the local authority areas stated above
- Must have less than 250 employees at the time of the application
- Must have been trading for at least 12 months
Businesses NOT supported with this grant:
- Banking & Insurance
- Retail (Where 20% or more of turnover derives from sales to the general public)
- Private Schools
- Fisheries & Agriculture
- Coal
- Steel & Ship Building sectors
For more information about the funding and additional business support visit the
e-business club
Make sure to fill out the
Transformational Interest Form to get the most out of you ICT systems!

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