Ken Clarke QC MP Launches Nottingham’s New Tech and Enterprise cluster RTEC

Case Studies, Celebrity News, London, Networking Event, NEW LOCATIONS, Rushcliffe Technology and Enterprise Centre, TechCityNotts
Kenneth Clarke QC MP opens RTEC (Rushcliffe Technology and Enterprise Centre). Nottingham’s Newest Tech hub is now officially underway following the fantastic launch event on Friday 27th. [caption id="attachment_2704" align="alignleft" width="640"] Left to right Cllr,Simon Robinson (Rushcliffe B.C.) Richard Priestley (Exeid), Ken Clarke QC MP, David Ajose ( Exeid)[/caption]                         Ken Clarke QC MP announced in his opening address that "London is becoming far too expensive for a high tech business start ups- RTEC is more attractive and good place for recruitment' – He went on to explain that the regions and particularly Nottingham have a huge amount to offer in the drive to get the economy back on track - Nottingham has a huge number of well trained…
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Open Invitation to the Rtec Launch Event Friday 27th June.

Grants for Business, Networking Event, Rushcliffe, Rushcliffe Technology and Enterprise Centre
[caption id="attachment_2665" align="alignleft" width="640"] Rtec Launch Event Exeid Rushcliffe Borough Council JV[/caption] Its going to be a great event with superb networking opportunities so bring your business cards. Please email to confirm your place at the event or for the seminar sessions Seminar Sessions 4:00 – Francine Pickering, Clarity Marketing – Measurable Marketing, how to make sure you never waste money on marketing again 4:30 – Manjit Rana, Ingenin – Can innovative Tech make traditional industries like insurance ‘interesting’?   5:00 – Amir Bazrafshan, Apricot Marketing – 5 key things everyone should know about Video Marketing   MAIN EVENT Networking from 4:00 onwards 5:00 – Ken Clarke QC MP arrival 5.25 - Richard Priestley MD Exeid -Opening address 5:30 – Ken Clarke QC MP opening Speech followed by promo…
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