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How to relocate your office, stress free – an office relocation checklist.
Home / Office space / How to relocate your office, stress free – an office relocation checklist.
Moving offices doesn’t have to be stressful – use a relocation checklist.office relocation checklist
Relocating your office can mean progression, excitement and a rejuvenation of business – it can also mean a headache. With so many things to take into consideration, from new letterheads to removal companies, preparation is the key to a successful, stress-free relocation. Exeid aim to do everything within (and beyond!) their power to make an office move as smooth as possible, so here is a handy office relocation checklist to help you with that all important organisation.
A Google search for “office relocation checklist” is likely to leave you bamboozled, with so many extensive, confusing and convoluted versions out there. Exeid hope to simplify the process, give you a starting point and provide you with a concise office relocation checklist that isn’t going to over-complicate things.
Finding a new space
Establish a budget.
Is a fully service, inclusive office on a flexible licence beneficial for your business?
Decide on the type of building you require.
Location, location, location – find somewhere that is convenient for both your staff and visitors – consider access to transport links, local amenities, access to ‘talent pool’ of potential employees, parking options and distance from main access roads.
What square footage is needed? Will you need room to expand?
Decide on the facilities you are likely to need, eg parking, meeting rooms, storage etc
What furniture are you able to take with you, what are you going to need to acquire?
Make sure you are clear on exactly what is included in your tenancy agreement and build a good relationship with the landlord and building manager.
Establish a Team – make sure they all have an office relocation checklist.
Ensure everyone in your moving team is clear on their assigned role.
Decide who is going to be part of the moving team, both for moving day and moving co-ordination before the fact. This is best to be people comfortable with balancing their moving tasks with their day to day jobs. office relocation checklist
Make sure everyone has a clearly defined role and that each area of the move is delegated effectively – have someone in charge of moving the PCs, another person for installing the telecoms, another for communication etc – making sure everyone in the company is up to date with moving news and developments.
Once you’ve found the perfect space…
While viewing spaces, make sure it’s the value of the space you keep in mind, as opposed to the price. Talk to the landlord/agent honestly, find out what is included in the rent and whether you have to pay your own business rates and utilities. A mid-priced suite with heat, light included and a great location may be better in the long run for your business than the cheapest, basic package.
Does your perfect space reflect the identity of your business?
Once you’ve found the right space for your business to thrive, make sure you read the lease/licence fully and find the answers to any queries you might have. Have you been promised something that doesn’t appear to be in there? Are there any hidden costs?
Get some felt tips and the label maker – it’s time to get labelling. As long as you know where every item has come from and where it needs to go, making sure each item has a label on, you shouldn’t have any ‘floating’ equipment on moving day. Those un-labelled items tend to go walkabout when their destination is unclear.
Ready to go
Get the telecoms connected, letterheads updated and stationery ready to go, you’re set to resume business! Make sure all your clients and suppliers know where you’re moving and when – send out emails and letters to inform people you have moved, as well as update your company website. Why not throw a launch party and invite clients, suppliers and local business owners? As well as introducing them to the new building, it also provides you with a great opportunity to rejuvenate the business with some networking.
The undeniable advantage of moving into an Exeid office is that we do all the re-decoration, furnishing and fit-out for you – that is the beauty of a fully inclusive, serviced spaced. Everything is 100% ready for you on move in day, which keeps those potential hiccups and headaches at bay.
Exeid are happy to help wherever they can with your relocation and will work with you to ensure that everything is up and running, ready to go, by the time you move into your new office!
BJSS after their relocation to Exeid’s 32 Friar Gate building, in Derby.
0115 8241444
office relocation checklist