In an interview with Channel 4 Yesterday,The Bank of England governor, Sir Mervyn King, says economic growth is on its way. Mervyn kKing was upbeat about the end of the recession, however, he warned that uncertainty still prevailed over the Eurozone
In the interview, Sir Mervyn said that the next quarter would probably show a pick-up in activity.
Another leading economist

Gerard Lyons of Standard Chartered was interviewed on the BBC Today programme this morning and his comments that “we are now at the turning point”. echoed the sentiments expressed by Exeid in our last posting about the end of the recession.
Furthermore, on Saturday morning the Independent newspaper led with the story “Is this the end of the recession?” no phone hacking was necessary for their source – just a quick read of the Exeid Blog ob September 6th

So folks .. It really is official but remember – Exeid called the
end of the recession on September the 6th. It’s great to see that both Mervin King and Gerard Lyons have come round to our way of thinking.
To see Exeid’s original announcement in detail
click here