Could this be the smallest café in the World?
When everyone has a mobile phone, the reasons for visiting a phone booth are few. But passers-by in Nottingham have a new reason to call into a phone box: grabbing a coffee.
Nottingham’s Newest Coffee shop opens today inside an old British Telecom (BT) Phone box.
Luke the Proprietor of the coffee shop said that he’d been open for 10 minutes when we took this photo and things were already picking up.
Coffee shop in a phone box
Luke has a professional coffee machine and combined with quality ingredients he is sure to be able to offer coffee lovers a treat.
We believe that tourists and shoppers will love it and why not get a selfie outside this iconic piece of re-purposed British design!
Luke from Nottingham has possibly opened the smallest café in the UK.
Could this be the smallest coffee shop in the world? Just pop along and decide for yourself.
The Team at Exeid congratulate Luke on his Entreprenurial flair – Good luck to the Phone Box cafe