One minute past eleven o’clock on Monday the third of September 2012 marked the official end of the recession and the beginning of “Boom Times” once more.
We interviewed the Chief Economist at Exeid to find out exactly how he made this amazing discovery.
How did you make this amazing discovery?
I can only describe it as an Epiphany. I was listening to a discussion on the BBC and QE or quantitative easing was mentioned yet again. I remembered playing Monopoly as a child and how the game usually started when we all decided to have fun and it ended when most of the players had remortgaged or sold properties and lost their money. There would be winners and losers in the game, but funnily enough, the bank never lost! (sounds familiar?). A quiet period usually followed when we focused on other things like tidying up our rooms or homework but sure as eggs is eggs the game would start again.
So how does that relate to the end of the recession?
When we decide to play the game the fun starts. At the end of the game, the money is retuned to the Bank.The losers feel a little fed up, but all this is soon forgotten and the game starts again. A recession or depression is really a state of mind. We all know that often in life you get what you think about so I decided on Sunday night that the recession would be over on Monday morning and that’s exactly what happened. Amazingly on Monday we had a flurry of new enquiries all day.
We specialise in helping clients & tenants find the right new property either for rent, lease or to buy and a significant proportion of our business is conducted via flexible easy in /easy out licences. We also provide services which generate rapid cash flow and additional profits for struggling landlords, investment companies and pension funds.
Read a case study here our services are used by small businesses and start up companies through to large global corporations and we can even count two MP’s as clients.
So when will we notice the effects on a macro scale not just in the offices of Exeid in Nottingham?
Well , I’ve been letting clients know all day and results are fantastic. The immediate response is a smile and usually laughter and that’s priceless. The long term effects will be truly outstanding as word gets out and individuals and businesses feel confident to invest and move their lives forward once more.
What about the experts?
The experts always seem to be able to place the start and end dates with the benefit of hindsight. I’ve just decided to use the benefit of foresight. Try it for yourself. Tell everyone you know that the recession is now over and you even have the source and remember – its official!!
So folks you heard it hear first. The recession is officially over.
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