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Ken Clarke QC MP Launches Nottingham’s New Tech and Enterprise cluster RTEC
Home / Case Studies / Ken Clarke QC MP Launches Nottingham’s New Tech and Enterprise cluster RTEC
Kenneth Clarke QC MP opens RTEC (Rushcliffe Technology and Enterprise Centre).
Nottingham’s Newest Tech hub is now officially underway following the fantastic launch event on Friday 27th.
Left to right Cllr,Simon Robinson (Rushcliffe B.C.) Richard Priestley (Exeid), Ken Clarke QC MP, David Ajose ( Exeid)
Ken Clarke QC MP announced in his opening address that “London is becoming far too expensive for a high tech business start ups- RTEC is more attractive and good place for recruitment’ – He went on to explain that the regions and particularly Nottingham have a huge amount to offer in the drive to get the economy back on track – Nottingham has a huge number of well trained highly educated and talented individuals and the cost of recruiting is significantly more advantageous than London.
Tech Businesses to relocate to the regions
David Ajose CEO of Exeid and founder of the fledgling TechCityNottingham (@techcitynotts) initiative explained. “Whilst Silicon Roundabout and the TechcityUK initiative in London provides a superb point of reference for start ups and early stage businesses, regional centres such as Nottingham provide even better advantages. Early stage businesses can benefit from a highly educated work force with lower recruitment costs and much more.
Accommodation costs are 50% of those in the City of London and RTEC (Rushcliffe Technology and Enterprise Centre) offers tech business and those support businesses that would like to network and trade with these rapidly growing companies, one of the best locations in Nottingham.
Furthermore, London based businesses would do well to set up in RTEC as the city of Nottingham provides a much better lifestyle for their employees. With typical journey to work times of no more than 15 minutes and the cost of housing less than a quarter of the price one would have to pay in central London, staff will have a much larger surplus income that employees living and working in London.
Fibre Broadband
The Exeid Team have boosted the Broadband infrastructure and Virgin have supplied an additional 48 strand fibre pipe into RTEC allowing for up to 24 100mb fibre connections providing 2,4 GB of Ultra fast Fibre connectivity. For any tech business this is a huge bonus and clients can choose whatever level of connectivity they need.
RTEC- Open for businessView from one of the offices at RTEC
RTEC is now officially open for business and already has attracted 8 New companies and 32 new Jobs, but this is just the beginning. Already these new companies are recruiting for a further 15 new jobs, so we would like to invite any new companies to and join our early adopters on their journey to growth.
For more information about RTEC or to arrange for a personal tour please call 0115 824 1444 or email: rtec@exeid.com Please ask for Yasmin or Joe
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